We are looking for people like you!
If you have ever thought about getting involved in your community here is your chance to become involved in your local fire company.
In addition to needing members for emergency services we are looking for new members with experience in Information technology; grant writing, management, etc… We have many positions in administration that are currently being held by some of our emergency service providers. You could fill their position and allow them more time for emergency calls. You can also earn a $3,750 Maryland state income tax credit (after 3 years service).
So if you have ever thought about becoming involved in your community, please consider your local fire company. Call us, stop by the firehouse, E-mail Us, or submit an application.
Thank You!
Online Senior Application Age's 16 and Over
(Applicants under age 18 must submit a valid work permit)
Auxiliary to the Hampstead VFC Membership Application
Junior Application Ages 10 - 15
Pay Membership Dues Online